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After much consideration, the purpose-built Ravencoin blockchain is the ideal community-driven project for information to be spread freely while also further promoting active on-chain participation. The driving forces behind Ravencoin being a fair system for all to participate are one of the highest standards that were evaluated and align very closely with our core value of using free markets. =================== Summary of Events =================== New sub-assets covering spcific topics will be created periodically as a means to convey information freely viewable for all. Each new topic will be created as follows: 1.) IPFS - Every topic will contain an IPFS attachment covering either a high-level summary of information with a means to locate additional resources for further review, or a thorough overview covering many details of the topic 2.) Quantity - Each sub-asset will be created in the exact amount of 10,837 without fractional values 3.) Reissuable - The quantity released will be permanently capped to the limited supply and not reissuable An additional set of values will also be established outlining the disbursement plan of the limited supply sub-assets. These values can be modified from one topic to the next but will not change once the sub-assets begin being released to on-chain participants. 1.) Frequency - New blocks added to the blockchain at a rate equivalent to one block per one minute on average will be used as the basis for determining the release of sub-assets (default: 60 block interval between releases) 2.) Amount - Every release of sub-assets at the predetermined frequency will contain a certain amount of sub-assets to be disbursed to on-chain participants (default: 10 sub-assets to release per interval) 3.) Eligibilty - Every on-chain recipient of at least five RVN (the native cryptocurrency for Ravencoin) since the last disbursement will be eligible to randomly receive one of the sub-assets (certain restrictions will apply, see below for details) Upon the disbursement of the limited supply sub-asset, a maximum of thirty-seven will be withheld from normal circulation for future release at no less than one year from the last dibursement. The withheld sub-assets will not be granted the ability to be entered into reward lotteries (see below) as they were not disbursed to on-chain participants during the disbursement period. Bearers of the sub-assets at the conclusion of the disbursement period will be entered into a series of reward lotteries for the funds held in escrow. The funds held in escrow will be publicly auditable and found at the public blockchain address of the bearer of the owner token for the sub-asset. It is encouraged for supporters of the topics to donate RVN to the public address to generate more rewards available for the reward lotteries. It is expected that these reward lotteries could grow quite large and draw an immense amount of attention with the possibility of creating a secondary market for the sub-assets to be traded. We encourage this in free markets, but we will not be creating such a marketplace. Reward lotteries will follow the below set of guidelines: 1.) Timing - The reward lotteries will occur once every nineteen hours and all bearers of the sub-asset received from the normal disbursement will automatically be entered 2.) Structure - Drawings for the reward lottery will begin at one half percent of the total available funds held in escrow and be increased by one half percent until the funds have been depleted to less than five RVN upon which one last drawing will occur fully depleting the funds As discussed above in the eligibility section, there will be a small set of restrictions on the disbursement of the sub-assets. The sub-assets are meant to be viewed and used by on-chain participants. Block producers, such as mining pools, will not be considered eligible. Withdrawing RVN from a mining pool to a local wallet, however, is eligible, and it is recommended to do this often. The burn addresses identified by the Ravencoin project will also be ineligible for receiving sub-assets from normal disbursement, and if any of the sub-assets are sent to one of the burn addresses, the burn addresses will also be ineligible for reward lotteries. We understand that many may view these topics as spam, and we are in preparations to create an opt out method. Subsequent updates will also be communicated as either sub-assets or unique assets and wil not follow the disbursement methodology above. They will simply exist much as this token does on the blockchain. ========= Closing ========= Guerilla Times is very excited to finally have the platform identified to continue to move forward, and we hope that you will enjoy the journey with us. The Ravencoin community is, in our opinion, second-to-none and full of bright and inspired minds ready to shape the future. We will be right there with you building a better tomorrow for everyone using this unconvenctional method. We work strictly as volunteers and donations are appreciated to help expand the initial reward lotteries for topics. Ravencoin proudly accepted at RX2rJcABtk4qJQb8Hir8oACv3GXfmPQTey =========== Timestamp =========== Ravencoin Block : 1660651 Ravencoin Block Hash : 000000000000289438659b3897033f3b3ce6a4bdc4c38e079a19d12daf0a66a9 END SIGNATURE IIC9cdLEbEGScLMj27DSXjY/WHL/OZMiIfGcXgDZE6RaT1wfppBI2RcRWKJ1zvEk0SWTd IsCNAyhuTI8qS4R23E=